Most Valuable Pennies: A List Of 43 U.S. Pennies Worth Holding Onto

Wondering which pennies are worth more than face value? And which pennies you should be holding onto, rather than spending?

Well here you go — a list of the most valuable pennies, each worth more than $1 apiece!

Use the cheat sheet below to see which pennies are worth saving and which ones are worth spending.

I would encourage you to watch this video first — it gives you a good overview of how to tell if you’ve got a valuable penny or not:

Which Lincoln Pennies To Keep

Of all the coins ever made by the United States Mint since 1793, arguably the most popular and widely collected among them are Lincoln pennies.

The Lincoln cent (technically, only Great Britain officially has a denomination called the “penny”) is a favorite among collectors young and old, rich and poor.

It’s also one of my favorite coins!

Lincoln pennies are the first coins I ever collected when I initially charted my path in the hobby back in 1992. And it’s by far the coin series I’m most often asked about from readers here at The Fun Times Guide.

If you want to know what your U.S. penny is worth, then read on.

These are the most important types of Lincoln pennies you should be keeping:

A List Of 43 Most Valuable Pennies – By Date

Here is the ultimate rare pennies list that you will probably find yourself referencing quite often…

The Rarest And Most Valuable Pennies (Worth More Than $1 Apiece)

*Values are for problem-free coins in a grade of Good or betterand uncirculated for those dated 1959 and later.

As you’ll notice, there are several dates missing in the list above.

The pennies that aren’t on that list are worth only a nominal amount — usually between 3 cents and $1.

Also, the list above doesn’t include proof Lincoln cents — which you wouldn’t ordinarily find in circulation.

Other Valuable Pennies Worth Money

In addition to the specific pennies mentioned above, here are some other types of pennies worth money:

4 Places To Find Rare & Valuable Pennies

Do you know where to look for the most valuable pennies?

Using the rare pennies list above as your guide, it’s time to start searching!

Here are 4 of the best places to find rare pennies:

  1. In rolls of coins – Coin roll hunting is one of the best ways to find old coins, and sometimes the pieces you’ll find are quite valuable! I’ve found many old and obsolete coins by searching for them in rolls of coins.
  2. At yard sales and flea markets – Many people have no idea which coins are rare and they often end up selling them unwittingly in a rummage sale, garage sale, or flea market. You’ll be surprised how many bargains will be found through personal sales like these. Just be sure what you’re buying is authentic!
  3. In a family heirloom chest – Sometimes rare coins are already in the family, and may be tucked away in an old chest or another safe location. Attics and basements hold troves of valuable estate coins, often unbeknownst to the current occupants of the home.
  4. In your pocket change – Rare pennies do still turn up in circulation, though you’ll need a keen eye and a good deal of patience to find them this way.

Good luck! And, if you have any questions, remember that you can always drop a line here in the comments below.