today we’re going to talk about bruising and the type of bruising that doesn’t involve some trauma okay so people are getting bruising and they’re like you know I didn’t hit myself I wasn’t abused by anyone I didn’t have any type of physical impact so why do I have this bruising that’s the topic for today and it’s actually a
very interesting topic now if you look up
bruising you’ll see all sorts of um descriptive types of bruising that classifies bruising by size like a small bruise would be classified under this condition and you have a moderately sized bruise would be this or a larger bruise will be called something else but that’s not really the important thing about bruising the
important thing is to find the obvious cause of a bruising that’s very very common there’s rare things like leukemia other types of cancer blood clotting disorders genetic disorders that could cause bruising certain viruses can cause you to bruise and a lot of different medications as their side effect can give you bruising like when you’re on warfin which is the blood thinner or certain antibiotics or prednisone which is steroids or a weight loss medication called orlestat you can even get it over the counter as something called Ali and even certain types of bowel disorders like Celiac or ulcerative colitis can increase your risk of bruising a fatty liver
can increase your risk of beauty and bruising so what is the common thread among all of those things I just mentioned that’s the topic for today you have this one vitamin it’s called vitamin K1 so you may already know that vitamin K1 comes from leafy green vegetables right that’s the highest source and vitamin K1 is also stored in your liver and we also know vitamin K1 is part of the fat soluble vitamins and so the other fat
soluble vitamins are vitamin A D E okay and you also have a different form of vitamin K called K2 so we need vitamin K1 very desperately because it prevents bleeding okay so it helps clotting because if you had a paper cut and you could never stop the bleeding um you’d literally you could bleed to death so the point is that
vitamin K1 is a very important vitamin in relationship to survival because we don’t want any internal bleeding or external bleeding going on now some people have this idea if they consume too much vitamin K1 they’re going to get extra clotting and they’re going to develop a clot that is absolutely 100 percent false okay if you get too much vitamin K1 there’s a limit to how much clotting you’re going to have it’s not going to be more than normal okay but that extra vitamin K1 goes to two other very important purposes number one it’s involved in a very potent anti-inflammatory mechanism so it helps you get rid of inflammation that’s only if you have extra vitamin K1 so vitamin K1 it’s not just about clotting it’s also about getting rid of inflammation then if there’s extra K1 left over it ends up in the bowel where it’s converted into Vitamin K2 and vitamin K2 is vital in preventing calcification in your arteries and in your joints and also making sure that your bones are very very strong and so you don’t end up with soft bones like osteomalacia or osteopenium or even osteoporosis so let’s just take some of these medications for a second and just take a look at how they would deplete you of that K1 let’s take the first one called Warfarin okay that’s a blood thinner well that actually is a drug that blocks the absorption of K1 directly okay and so it thins your blood in fact it’s uses one of the poisons to kill rats right it’s a rat poison it blocks vitamin K2 and then they bleach it out of course when someone’s giving Warfarin they’re not giving you massive amounts it’s just it’s highly regulated to thin the blood to make sure it doesn’t clot so this is why people on Warfarin don’t have a significant amount of vitamin K1 and so they might bruise so that could be reason number one why you have bruising let’s go to number two and antibiotics certain antibiotics increase your risk of bruising well here’s the reason bacteria make a secondary backup type of bile salt okay so your liver can make bile but your microbes also make bile so if you wipe out a good significant amount of your microbes especially the ones that make bile then you’re going to have a heck of a Time extracting this vitamin K1 from your Foods okay because bile is all about helping you pull these Fat Cycle vitamins from the food that you eat also these microbes have the potential to make vitamin K1 directly so if you don’t have those microbes then you can’t make vitamin K1 not to mention you’re not going to be able to convert K1 to K2 very well so you’ll be deficient in vitamin K2 so pretty much all these medications I’m talking about also will inhibit or create a deficiency of vitamin K2 as well now let’s take statins okay the purpose of a Statin is to block the production of cholesterol now what’s this relationship between cholesterol and vitamin K1 well guess what bile salts are made from cholesterol and if you don’t have enough cholesterol you can’t make the bile salts that help you absorb the fat soluble vitamins this is why there’s even a condition as a side effect called statin-induced calcification wow so without vitamin K1 or K2 you are going to get buildup in the arteries of calcium so it’s pretty wild that you’re taking this medication to reduce cholesterol to prevent heart problems yet it increases the amount of calcium that builds up in the arteries which will pretty much create the same thing and I’m not telling you to come off medications I’m just giving you the information but one of the side effects from statins is bruising now you know why all right what about these steroids like prednisone what’s wild about Prednisone is that prednisone causes more osteoporosis than any other medication you can possibly take so one of the reasons it does that is it blocks vitamin K1 and vitamin K2 so then you don’t have the factors to make your bones really really strong and prednisone uh really destroys the gallbladder okay it will inhibit the bile production and increase your risk of gallstones which by the way people that have gallstones also have a higher risk of bruising and that is because you need bile salts to prevent gallstones okay and so gallstones are really caused by a lack of bile and that bile is also necessary to extract these fat soluble vitamins from your food like vitamin K1 then we get oralistat okay it’s an over-the-counter weight loss pill so this is supposed to help you lose fat and I’m not sure the mechanism if it blocks fat or whatever but it definitely lowers your bile output okay from your liver and without enough bile you’re not going to be able to absorb vitamin K1 and you’re going to be more at risk for bruising I mean even this medication has one of the side effects is increasing your risk for something called thrombocytopenia which is definitely a disorder of your platelets that can cause bruising now also one of the side effects from having a fatty liver is bruising and now you know why because without a fully functioning liver you’re not going to be able to produce enough bile to again extract these fat soluble vitamins remember when I told you where vitamin K1 comes from leafy greens the question is how much actual greens does an average person consume in America well you might be surprised to find out it’s only on average one and a half cups okay per day one and a half cups you’re not going to get enough vitamin K1 from one and a half cups now your microbes can produce vitamin K1 but if there’s some problem with the microbes then you’re not going to produce K1 and this is why other problems that are associated with the gut microbiome like ulcerative colitis Celiac also give you this increased risk factor for bruising because without enough microbes number one you can’t make vitamin K1 you can’t convert K1 to K2 you can’t make the bile salts that are necessary for the extraction of this K1 from your food so you can see it’s a big issue now we talked about bruising as the primary thing with this video but also realize that vitamin K1 has a lot to do with preventing inflammation as well as giving you more vitamin K2 which is kind of keeping your arteries free of calcium keeping your joints free of calcification keeping your bones from getting osteoporosis and also there’s quite a few other symptoms that you can have like for example you can have nosebleeds you can have more problems with varicose veins or spider veins if you’re deficient in vitamin K1 so that’s all interesting it just might give you another reason to beef up no pun intended the amount of vegetables dark leafy greens that you should be eating per day especially if you have any of the problems that we talked about especially if you’re on these medications we talked about especially if you have a fatty liver so like parsley has probably the most vitamin K1 of any green then we have kale brussels sprouts spinach any of the dark leafy green vegetables iceberg lettuce does not have a lot of K1 now as far as K2 is concerned you can get K2 from egg yolks you can get it from animal liver you can also get it from hard cheeses you can get it from extra vitamin K1 if you have any extra left that is provided into your gut but your microbes can also make k2 directly so this is why you can also get vitamin K2 in sauerkraut and also this fermented soy dish called NATO and of course if you’re not from a certain Asian country you may not like that dish so maybe you want to stick with sauerkraut but if you have bruising on your body and you didn’t have trauma suspect vitamin K1 deficiency but with a catch it could be lack of bile it could be all these other reasons that are preventing you from getting enough vitamin K1 now I think the next most important video for you to watch would be the one on vitamin K2 check that out I put it right here